Wednesday, December 23, 2015

UNDERPINNINGS: Visiting my studio

It was a busy November with two different video crews coming to film at my studio. 

One was for the Fitchburg Art Museum show "Land Ho" an exhibition I was invited to participate in as one of the regional landscape artists. This was put together by the audio/visual department at Fitchburg State College. (4 min)
Link to video

The second is the January edition of Arts and Ideas, a Shrewsbury Ma cable art program produced by Susan and Louis Swinand. (28 min)


Link to video

Thursday, December 3, 2015

UNDERPINNINGS: Simplifying symbols

Looking back trough past work, I had some thoughts on how to focus on the symbols by giving them the full attention. The first two of these are portraits of a symbol series and the suggestion of what I understand that series to mean.

 Note the number in the upper right, this is one thought on how to title the collection of 6"x8" diagram paintings for thesis show.

Weather Disturbance: The 'Eagle Scout Effect'. 8"x6". This is a collage and painting of the information layer of the much earlier piece The Eagle Scout Effect.