Wednesday, December 23, 2015

UNDERPINNINGS: Visiting my studio

It was a busy November with two different video crews coming to film at my studio. 

One was for the Fitchburg Art Museum show "Land Ho" an exhibition I was invited to participate in as one of the regional landscape artists. This was put together by the audio/visual department at Fitchburg State College. (4 min)
Link to video

The second is the January edition of Arts and Ideas, a Shrewsbury Ma cable art program produced by Susan and Louis Swinand. (28 min)


Link to video

Thursday, December 3, 2015

UNDERPINNINGS: Simplifying symbols

Looking back trough past work, I had some thoughts on how to focus on the symbols by giving them the full attention. The first two of these are portraits of a symbol series and the suggestion of what I understand that series to mean.

 Note the number in the upper right, this is one thought on how to title the collection of 6"x8" diagram paintings for thesis show.

Weather Disturbance: The 'Eagle Scout Effect'. 8"x6". This is a collage and painting of the information layer of the much earlier piece The Eagle Scout Effect. 


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

LESSONS: Making it all fit

Model for thesis show 

The table is really a display case and is a little bigger than it should be. It will contain the small diagram paintings and the glossary booklets. The other item is a book stand which will hold the Current Theory portfolio. The pole? Well that is a surprise.

Friday, November 20, 2015

CREATIONS: Call and Response

This is a piece I made specifically for a show - Grayscale, Call and Response - hosted by Artsworcester and the Fitchburg Art Museum. This piece is in response to one of the 7 pieces selected from FAM's permanent collection. Satellite by Simo Hannula.

Video of 20th Century Art Stars: Sky Chart Aligned


ADVENTURES: diagramming found objects cont'

Further experimentation with found objects and diagrams:

Untitled at this point. Acrylic circles, cut vinyl, binder clips, polyester and wood. 8"x12"

The slowly growing group.


(Added 12/3) Untitled. 6"x5" Homosote, acrylic paint, acrylic sheet, cut vinyl, brass tacks, hardware.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

ADVENTURES: diagramming found objects

This is the first . . .

Untitled. Acrylic and vinyl. 12"x12"x8", map pins, metal screen, string, wooden form.

Friday, October 23, 2015

ADVENTURES: taking the diagram to new surfaces

I decided to take the colorforms out again and start playing with them using miscellaneous materials kicking around the studio.

Colorform graphs: 6"'x8" clayboard, polyester, lexan, vinyl, wood. Same for details below.    

And then there are these:
The Last Supper 6" round, polyester, acrylic and vinyl. Temporary binder clip for support  
Starry Night  6" round, polyester, acrylic and vinyl. Temporary binder clip for support. 

And finally this guy:

Untitled -Found painting, Lexan, vinyl and wood.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

LESSONS: Making new ideas work

Working away but it is coming slowly. This is what I have to show.

Longitudinal Study Psycho-social Development - Parental Complexity Acrylic on Panel 12"x24"

Longitudinal Study Psycho-Social Development - Twins Acrylic on Panel 12"x24"

Put Him Through the Ringer, Inch by Inch and Listen to Him Scream Acrylic on Polyester 42" x 42"

Saturday, June 6, 2015

CREATIONS: Expressive Graphesis

Just trying out these words, expressive graphesis, using them to refer to the following works on paper. These pieces do not contain the same amount of narrative as the Longitudinal Study paintings do, they are more snippets of a story, but contain some expressiveness in their graphic quality.

Degrees of Separation
acrylic on paper 22" x 30"

Circuitry: Gender Bias
acrylic on paper 30" x 22"

Round Trips/Common Intersections
acrylic on paper 30" x 22"

acrylic on paper 30" x 22"

CREATIONS: Personality Development continued.

One more in the series shown in the previous post.

Longitudinal Study, Psycho-Social Development: INTIMACY

 Acrylic on panel, 12" x 24"

Monday, April 13, 2015

CREATIONS: More Measuring - Personality Development

These three paintings where inspired by the work of Benjamin Betts as seen in Brainpickings,
Geometrical Psychology: Benjamin Betts’s 19th-Century Mathematical Illustrations of Consciousness

I am always looking for interesting diagrams and these were fascinating and the idea of graphing psychological tendencies has always been something I've wanted to do, much like a graphic journal. But Betts takes it much much farther than that. These are my take on his work:

Longitudinal Study Psycho-Social Development-EMPATHY  (acrylic on panel 8"x8")      

Longitudinal Study Psycho-Social Development-EGO (acrylic on panel 8"x8")

Longitudinal Study Psycho-Social Development-TWINS (acrylic on panel 12"x24")

Friday, March 6, 2015


This week in the studio...

As a way to warm up for larger scale paintings, I have been working on these small paintings from (5"x5" to 8"x6") on panels. You'll notice some similar themes reappearing in them.

Poetic Structure 2

Poetic Structure 1

Clothing Mapped

Height - Family/Individual

Myth of Gridlock

Grammar - Epitaph on a Jacobite

Grammar - The Cabal


Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Just something I've been thinking about that falls into the category of the meaning in art, something related to Barthes' Third Meaning. Or maybe its just navel gazing, I can't quite tell.

If you would, take a minute to look at these three images (my custom colorforms on lexan).

What changes when I then show you/ tell you this?

And title this The Annunciation?

And title this The Birth of Venus?

For your reference:

Would you rather not have known or does it add the the experience in some way? Would you be interested in knowing that I plan to "graph" the great works of art (as designated by Vasari thru Janson).